Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Snorkel Swimmer Cake Pops

My Snorkelling Swimming Cake Pops

These cake pops are for my son's birthday party this weekend.  We are having an outdoor water fun party so I looked on-line but I could not find any ideas for cake pops so I created these ones.  I first made the basic cake pop (see and then I covered the entire pop in melted white chocolate that was tinted with copper colour gel and a tiny bit of golden yellow gel.  I put them in the fridge to harden and then when I took them out I put the top of the pop in melted chocolate and textured it with my fingers to make it look like hair.  I put them back in the fridge to harden.  The last part, the mask and snorkel, was the time consuming part but it looks so cute.... I used a paint brush to put a blob of white melted chocolate in the shape of the mask, placed a black cake confetti dot for each eye and then took a short piece of licorice and circled it around the blob.  I had to hold it until the chocolate melted.  I then painted a thin strip of melted chocolate along the head where I then placed the snorkel.... Voila... a snorkelling, swimming cake pop!

The Blue Snorkel

The Red Snorkel

The Green Snorkel

The Chocolate Textured Hair!


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