Saturday, May 28, 2011

Star Shaped Switch Colour Cookies for Memorial Day and/or 4th of July

The final product!

I am sure this idea is not that original but I thought of it tonight after I made all my other cookies this morning so I decided to make them and bring them to church tomorrow!  Instead of making the stained glass cookies, I just made 2 colours of dough and swapped the inner star shape.  After you swap the star shapes you just cook as usual and you have a colourful, unique cookie for any holiday depending on the shape of cutter that you use!  I tried to make them a bit different and changed where I cut the star shape out just to see how different they would end up looking!
The large star cut outs

Cut out a small star from the middle

Swap the middles so they are in opposite coloured cookies

Swapped the whole tray

The red with blue insert

The blue with red insert


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