Sunday, April 10, 2011

Flower Pretzel Snack

The final flower/pretzel product

For the first day of spring this year I whipped together a quick flower snack.  I looked in my pantry cupboard and came up with a pretzel flower made with candy melts.  Easy, fun and yummy, of course.  I just placed 4 knot pretzels together and put the coloured candy melts in the centre and in the loops to make it look like a flower.  For the stem and leaf, I just used a straight pretzel and a piece of the knot pretzel.  I always do these treats on parchment paper because then it does not stick and it stays together.  I made a pink flower for my daughter and an orange one for my son. 

First, place the 4 pretzels in a circle

Next, add candy melts to make the centre of the candy

Then you add the petals of the flower

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