Monday, April 11, 2011

PEEP on a Stick

PEEP on a stick covered in candy melts

PEEP on a stick with some simple add-ons

My son was home sick today so my daughter and I decided to 'art' and make a fun snack, of course.  I had Peeps from the Dollar Tree so I decided to add even more sugar and make it a Peep on a stick.  I just dipped the stick in the candy melts, put the Peep on the stick, put it in the fridge for a bit and then dipped them in the candy melts.  For the pink ones I added some white sugar granules for the inside of the ears and black confetti dots for the eyes.  You could use edible markers to add a little mouth too.  Then my daughter told me to keep some blue, so I did.  Instead of dipping them in pink I just put the black confetti dots on top of where the Peep eyes already were (by using dots of candy melts as 'glue') and then I painted a small strip of the candy melts inside the ears and sprinkled some sugar on it.  These treats would actually be perfect for an Easter time baby shower if you do not have kids in the house to enjoy them.  Super easy and quick to make and it dresses up your basic Peep.
PEEPS before they were decorated
The whole bunch of PEEPS


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